Welcome to the home page of the Motor Racing Officials Association of South Australia.
Here you will find details about the Association and what we do. Please have a look around and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.
Remember to always check the News page for current details and information.
Interested in becoming a Motorsport Official?
Click Here for more information
Make sure to update your availability in the Member’s Database for SAMROA run events, or contact the T&CC or Chief Flag, when they email out for assistance.
Latest News
- Welcome to Season 2024!
Motorsport season for 2024 is now well underway with the first Superkart / Regularity and SA Motor Racing Championship events for the year passed.
The year promises to be a long one with many events, quite a few that on back-to-back weekends. We want to stress to everyone to take care of yourselves this year as it will likely get tough. Of course it’s always easier with more people, so this is the time to get all your other friends involved and out at the track with us.
Remember the more people we can start getting out to events, the easier it also becomes to start training people into other roles, such as Starter, Form Up, Race Control, etc. So if you want to increase and expand your skills as a motorsport official have a think about what we can all do to get some fresh faces out and around SAMROA.
General Meetings
Choose to have a say in the running of YOUR club!
All members are invited to general meetings, to discuss important news, events and make decisions on the direction the club is moving.
Prospective members can also attend, but please contact our New Members officer so we know to expect you.
Date: 2nd Wednesday of each even numbered month
Time: 7:30pm
Location: The Kent Town Hotel, 76 Rundle St, Kent Town
Members are also always invited to have a meal before general meetings, we’ll be in the bar!
Register on the SAMROA Database Register at My Impact Register at My Impact Register on the SAMROA DatabaseUpcoming Events
November 2024
Sunday 3 November
Thursday 14 November – Sunday 17 November
Saturday 23 November – Sunday 24 November
December 2024
Sunday 1 December
Wednesday 11 December
Checkout the thank you marshals video from the 2023 VAILO Adelaide 500
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