
The T&CC organise regular training days which cater for experienced and inexperienced members.

Examples of these training days include:

Trackside Communication and Flag Training Days
While Motorsport Australia provide training courses as part of the National Officiating Program (NOP), SAMROA also organise our own training courses which cater for our specific requirements, as well as some covers some areas which are not part of the Motorsport Australia training.

Fire Training Day
A one day fire training exercise run by Women For Wheels. The day is split into two sections – firstly the theory needed to understand the types of fires and extinguishers, as well as safety issues. The second part of the day the officials gain valuable practical experience in extinguisher use on vehicle fires.

First Aid Training Day
A one day first aid course modified for SAMROA with emphasis on dealing with vehicle emergencies. Whilst the course is not meant to replace the Ambulance Officers at the circuit, it does give officials the knowledge to effectively make use of the time before the ambulance arrives.

Online Training
SAMROA is now offering online training workshops to financial members.
Online training will typically be run on off-months between General Meetings.
For those unable to attend, these workshops will be recorded and added at the link below.
Over time new videos will be added covering different topics, see below for what is available now.

Online Training – coming soon!