Tour of SAPOL Motor Museum

The Social Committee has organised a tour of the SAPOL Motor Museum at the Road Safety Centre (part of the Thebarton Barracks) on Friday 15 November at 6:30 pm followed by a BBQ (sorry, strictly no alcohol).

This will be a joint event between SAMROA and the Walkerville All Cars Club (Walky). Numbers are strictly limited and will be allocated on a first come basis.

If you wish to attend please email Peter Tann ( As numbers are limited, if you book a place and subsequently find you are unable to attend, please let me know ASAP in case someone else would like to attend. Please refer to the attached Map and parking instructions. Our host for the evening will be Sergeant John Illingworth (without Humphry B Bear), who some of you will have seen competing at Mallala events. I hope you haven’t met more formally!

Look forward to seeing you there.

Cheers Peter Tann

First Aid Training

The Training & Competition committee have planned a First Aid Course on Sunday 22 September.  This will be professionally conducted by First Aid Pro and the venue will be confirmed soon, at this stage, most likely the Sporting Car Club.  This course is appropriate for all ages including new comers & those looking to renew their qualifications.   You will qualify as a Senior First Aider, which would not only benefit motorsport, however also your normal daily life.

Open to all CAMS clubs.

  • SAMROA Members $30
  • Non SAMROA Members $100 – approach your CAMS club and ask if they will subsidize the cost.

A SAMROA Member plus a family member is only $130 which is great value! Most of us with teenage kids of driving age. I believe all drivers should learn first aid before they get out on the road by themselves, plus, I’m not getting any younger and they may save my life.

You can add your name to this event is in the members database or contact Paul Bonnet for help or for more details.


Vale Chris Good

Chris passed away in her sleep on Saturday, pain free.  To all who knew Chris, she will be sadly missed. However we must not dwell on the loss of her life but celebrate all that she achieved. Please join me in this celebration on Friday 2nd Aug at Mattiske Funeral Chapel, 2 Wiltshire St Salisbury at 10.30am. This service is to be conducted by David Vaughan who is the SA Motorsport Chaplin. Peter has told me this is an open service, everyone is welcome. Both Peter & Chris have been Motorsport Officials for a long time. Our love & prayers are with Peter and his family.

Kindest Regards
Paul Hart

CAMS Training courses

Officials Training

8th August 2013— Introductory Module
11th August 2013 — Event Assessor
31st August 2013 — Course Presenter

contact Charise at the CAMS office to register

ORCC Speed Talking Night

The Openwheel Racing Car Club (ORCC) have invited us to the first of a series of talk nights designed to be fun, informative and a chance to hear from people with a range of motorsport experience.

July 23rd
Sporting Car club
6:30 BBQ
7:30 start

First up we have

  • Simon Wills – an ex-V8 Supercar driver with vast international experience
  • Asher Johnston – a local driver who has raced nationally and in the US
  • Richard Criall – a local commentator who has worked his way to the top.

There will be a BBQ for a gold coin donation, all welcome. We look forward to welcoming you along.

If you have any questions, contact Matt Roesler
Ph 0448 588 747